Welcome To Tom Bergmann's Web Site

Wedding Pictures!

The Vocal Majority ChorusMy greatest claim to fame (after having Angie as my wife!) is membership in the Vocal Majority. The VM has won 13 gold medals in the annual Barbershop Harmony Society competition. I've been a part of 8 of them, and we're working for another. With VM I've been to Harrogate in May 1995, Scotland in May 2001, and Wales in May 2015!
Quartet GIF

More Barber Shop Harmony Links

I also play some volleyball.
(No Gold Medals, though!)
The Lunch Group Logo
Lunch is the second best time of the work day.
U.S.N.O. Master Clock

JavaScript Time from your computer.

Compare the above. Uses frames and JavaScript.

A US Time Page from NIST

Yet Another Clock (Central Time Zone) from Heavens-Above

Some More Links
Sky Online

The Astronomy Site. Look here for some cool stuff about the sky above us.

Fort Worth Astronomical Society
The local (for me, anyway) astronomy club.
My Service Provider: EarthLink
Working on validation...WDG Validated